Participant list
From ESSworkshop 2008
Participant list
Organizers and Sponsors:
- Christian Vettier, ESS Lund
- Kell Mortensen, Univ. Copenhagen
Expert Scientists (instruments and costing):
- Feri Mezei, Budapest
- Helmut Schober, ILL
- Ken Andersen, ILL
- Lee Robertson, SNS
Instrument Scientists/designers (with related instruments):
- Jochen Stahn, PSI (Task no 1)
- Bob Cubitt, ILL (Task no 1)
- John Webster, ISIS (Task no 1)
- Louis-Pierre Regnault, CEA (Task no 2)
- Jörg Voigt, FZJ (Task no 2)
- Klaus Habicht, HMI (Task no 2)
- Heinrich Frielinghaus, FZJ (Task no 3)
- Albrecht Wiedenmann, ILL (Task no 3)
- Joachim Kohlbrecher, PSI (Task no 3)
- Tommy Nylander, Lund Univ. (Task no 3)
- Laurent Chapon, ISIS (Task no 4)
- Juan Rodriguez, ILL (Task no 4)
- Bo Brummerstedt Iversen, Århus Univ. (Task no 5)
- Arsen Goukasov, LLB (Task no 5)
- Matt Tucker, ISIS (Task no 6)
- Gabriel Cuello, ILL (Task no 6)
- Markus Strobl, HMI (Task no 1)
- Klaus Lieutenant, Kjeller (Task no 1)
- Kim Lefmann, Copenhagen Univ. (Task no 2)
- Garrett Granroth, SNS (Task no 2)
- Sergey Manoshin, FZJ/Dubna (Task no 3)
- Phil Bentley, ILL (Task no 3, guides)
- Uwe Filges, PSI (Task no 4)
- Aaron Percival, Queens Univ. (Task no 4)
- Peter Willendrup, Risø-DTU (Task no 5)
- Erik Knudsen, Risø-DTU (Task no 5)
- Emmanuel Farhi, ILL (Task no 6)
- Kaspar Klenø, Copenhagen Univ. (guides)